Monday, May 26, 2008

An Invitation to Abundance

Live For A Higher Purpose

Remember that it is your true nature to be wise and discerning.
Nurture Yourself And Others
Remember that it is your true nature to be good to yourself and to have goodwill and compassion for others.
Develop Yourself And Set An Example For Others
Remember that it is your true nature to take pleasure in your existence and to esteem and value others.
Let Go Of The Past And Be Renewed By Your Experience
Remember that it is your true nature to be forgiving and to use everything in life for your growth and renewal.
Observe Yourself And Others Without Judgment Or Expectations
Remember that it is your true nature to be engaged with reality, contemplating the infinite riches of the world.
Have Faith In Yourself And Trust In The Goodness Of Life
Remember that it is your true nature to be courageous and capable of dealing with life under all conditions.
Joyously Celebrate Existence And Share Your Happiness
Remember that it is your true nature to be happy and to add to the richness of experience for everyone.
Stand Up For Yourself And Speak Out For What You Believe
Remember that it is your true nature to be strong and capable of affecting the world in many different positive ways.
Bring Peace And Healing Into Your World
Remember that it is your true nature to be an inexhaustible font of serenity, acceptance, and kindness in the world.

(The above is reprinted from The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to the Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types, by Don Richard Riso and Hudson Russ Bantam, 1999.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Nice post. Uplifting on a dreary day